Achieve a Sensory-Savvy Christmas with These 7 Tips

Dec 02 , 2024


Julie-Anne Dietz

7 minute read...

"I know as a parent that you want your child to enjoy Christmas events, but how everyone else enjoys it will be different from how your child enjoys it.”

Jeanette Baker-Loftus - Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support Community - US

I absolutely love Christmas – who doesn’t? I cherish the traditions, the carols, the lights, the movies, and even decorating the Christmas tree, even though my cats seem to enjoy that part a little too much! Christmas holds a special place in my heart because I grew up in a family that truly embraced the occasion. My parents made it magical for me and my three sisters, and I feel incredibly lucky for that.

However, I know that Christmas can be difficult for many people. For those who are alone or grieving, or for those dealing with physical or emotional challenges, the deeper meanings and traditions of Christmas can be hard to navigate.

This made me turn to one of my favorite resources – Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support, created by Jeanette Baker-Loftus. I trust Jeanette’s website because it’s grounded in real-life experience and provides a wealth of practical tips and strategies. Her advice is especially helpful for those caring for individuals with multiple diagnoses, including Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism, and ADHD.

The site has 30 tips for a More Successful Sensory Christmas and is worth a read. I have chosen my top 7 and here they are.

  1. Routine – Maintain a routine as much as possible. Visual schedules can be a helpful tool, allowing children to see what’s coming next. If you’ve created simple flashcards—cards with brief information or pictures used to assist communication or learning—this is the perfect time to utilize them. When transitioning between activities, such as from opening presents to playtime or mealtime, these visual cues can prepare your child for what’s happening next, making transitions smoother.
  2. Decorations – Include your child in the fun of decorating the tree, but be mindful that flashing lights or musical decorations may overwhelm a child with SPD. As someone who loves decorations (and whose cats also enjoy them!), you know your child best. Only you can decide what will work for them. Where possible, make decorating a family celebration. This encourages inclusion and provides an opportunity to model actions, introduce new language, and demonstrate respect for the activity. Enjoy the final result together as a family.
  3. Your Family – It's okay to have a more intimate, family-only Christmas. While Christmas is traditionally about family, if including extended family or large gatherings would cause your child to experience overload, it might be worth reconsidering the guest list. Of course, spend time with as many loved ones as possible, but plan the environment with your child’s needs in mind, especially on Christmas Day.
  4. Shopping – For children with SPD, Christmas shopping can feel overwhelming. If possible, try shopping without them or choose quieter, smaller stores with fewer people. Try to focus on one task at a time—if you’re visiting Santa, make that the main goal of the outing. If you’re doing holiday shopping, do it on your own to reduce stress, and don’t forget to enjoy a coffee break!
  5. Don’t Rush – Spread out Christmas activities over several days, rather than cramming everything into one. While Christmas Day is traditionally on December 25th, consider breaking up the festivities by distributing tasks across multiple days. Create a simple timeline of activities and see if it’s possible to reorganize plans to make it more manageable.
  6. Food – Stick to your child’s usual sensory diet as much as possible during the holidays to help them stay regulated. A friend of mine with a child who has ADHD realized that deviating from her child’s usual diet during Christmas caused anxiety and overstimulation. Once she returned to their normal routine, it made a big difference. Enjoy the holiday food, but try to keep their regular eating patterns intact as much as possible.
  7. Lower Expectations – It’s normal for children with SPD to experience meltdowns during the busy holiday season. While it’s important to maintain consistency, this is a time to lower your expectations a bit. Instead of striving for perfection, allow for flexibility (within reason) to help everyone enjoy the season. Remember, it’s okay if things don’t go exactly as planned.

And here’s the 8th…

“Enjoy yourself!” Take time for you. Have a glass of wine, and remember, Christmas should work for your family, not anyone else’s. Don’t stress about meeting others’ expectations.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! Thank you for being a part of our community, or for taking the time to read our blogs. I hope you find these tips helpful.

May your Christmas in 2024 be safe, restful, and full of joy.

Take care – Live Your Best Life!

Founder & Owner – DEO


The advice shared in this blog is not intended as medical guidance. It is based on personal experience from both Jeanette Baker-Loftus and myself, having lived with SPD as adults and as parents in a family with complex disabilities. If you have concerns about your child or loved one, please consult a doctor or therapist.

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