8 Back to School Tips for kids with ASD, ADHD & Disabilities in 2023

8 Back to School Tips for kids with ASD, ADHD & Disabilities in 2023

Jan 17 , 2023


Julie-Anne Dietz

“Recognise and celebrate your child's successes, no matter how small they may be. This can help build their confidence and motivation.”

It’s that time of the year again, the end of summer school holidays and the Return to School. As a former teacher with 25 years’ experience of Returning to School, I know that this time is a mixture of excitement for what is to begin and sorrow that the end of the holidays have arrived.

This got me wondering if I can assist you with return to school tips. I believe that these tips not only are useful for kids with ASD and ADHD, but just may assist all parents and all kids as the first day of school arrives for 2023.

Returning to school for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a challenging transition.

It's important for schools to have accommodations and support in place to help these students succeed. This can include things like smaller class sizes, one-on-one assistance from a special education teacher, and modifications to the curriculum. Additionally, parents and caregivers can work with the school to develop a plan that addresses the specific needs of their child.

It's important to have open communication with the school and to be involved in the child's education. This can help ensure that the child has the best possible experience in school and is able to succeed.


8 Back to School Tips for preparing kids with ASD, ADHD and Disabilities 


  1. Establish a routine: Establishing a routine before school starts can help children with ASD or ADHD feel more secure and prepared for the upcoming school year. This can include things like setting a consistent bedtime, making sure they have a healthy breakfast, and allowing for time to complete homework and other tasks.
  2. Practice the school routine: Before school starts, practice the school routine with your child, such as the schedule of their classes, what time they need to wake up, and how they will get to school. This can help alleviate anxiety and stress they may feel on the first day.
  3. Review social skills: Children with ASD may have difficulty with social interactions. Reviewing social skills, such as making friends, taking turns, and expressing emotions, can help them succeed in the school environment.
  4. Address any specific concerns: Talk to your child's teacher and school staff about any specific concerns or accommodations that may be necessary. This can include things like extra time for tests or a quiet space for the child to take a break.
  5. Communicate with the school: Establish open communication with the school and the teachers, to stay informed about your child's progress, and address any issues promptly.
  6. Encourage self-advocacy: Teach children with ASD or ADHD to advocate for themselves, express their needs and communicate their difficulties.
  7. Prepare for emergencies: Consider creating a plan for emergencies or unexpected situations that may arise during the school day. This can help your child feel more secure and prepared.
  8. Celebrate successes: Recognise and celebrate your child's successes, no matter how small they may be. This can help build their confidence and motivation.

I hope this assists, all the best with your return to school progress in 2023.

Live your Best Life!


DEO Owner & Founder 

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